Monday, January 17, 2011


It happens without fail when I travel.  It happens at home too, but it sucks more when I travel.  0100 and 0630 wake up.  I have been having frequent bouts of insomnia for as long as I can remember.  The worst period of time was when I was in the Air Force.  I would go several days without much more than a 30 minute nap.  I went to the Doctor at one point.  I was offered meds to take care of it, but told I would always be on them....for the rest of my life.  I was in my very early 20's then.  I didn't want to be strapped to a drug for the rest of my life at that point.  Now that I'm 40, I still can't see being strapped to a drug for the rest of my life.
I have used insomnia to my advantage.  When I travel home from overseas, it typically take 30+ hours.  When I was a traveling tech with the airplane, I would often go 50+ hours with little more than a 30 min nap.  Perhaps it's not insomnia, but just the way I'm made.   I do have more problems sleeping during full moon, which I cannot explain. 
When I get this way, I am usually thinking about a project.  I have no real project going on right now, so I start back up on a fascination of mine.  Motionless power generation using magnets.  I recently saw a Nova episode about fractals and wonder if fractals can make that a possibility.  So I scheme ideas in my head and troubleshoot the different problems that may occur.  I have twelve different design ideas rolling around the noggin just waiting for a rainy day.  Maybe I will attempt to build one someday.
Alright....this did help me get tired.  I will try to go to sleep with visions of motionless power generators buzzing through my brain.

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